Marketing & Sponsorship

Genoa CFC name Pulsee Luce e Gas as front jersey sponsor

The Serie A club, Genoa Cricket and Football Club (Genoa CFC) have announced a new sponsorship deal with Pulsee Luce e Gas, a fully digital brand for the domestic users of Axpo Italia, the fourth operator on the electricity market in Italy.

As part of the deal, the brand is set to serve as the front jersey sponsor of Genoa CFC for the Serie A and Coppa Italia for the 2023/24 and 2024/25 seasons.

The oldest football team in Italy, which rejoined the top division after missing just one season, has chosen to begin a significant association with Pulsee Luce e Gas, the company that was founded in 2019 to transform the domestic energy market in Italy through innovation, sustainability, simplicity, and transparency.

Pulsee Luce e Gas has opted to compete in the top national sports tournament, the one with the biggest visibility and appeal, on the eve of another significant transformation in the energy business in Italy, specifically the complete liberalization of the market which will take place by January 2024. And it has chosen to achieve so by becoming an associate of a club that is actively changing and that nevertheless has a fascinating connection to its more than 100-year history.

Apart from the front-of-shirt visibility for all Serie A and Italian Cup games, the official media platforms of the two parties will also play a prominent role which will strengthen the relationship.

Encouragement for emerging talent, inventiveness, and sustainability are characteristics that Pulsee Luce e Gas and Genoa CFC share: on one hand, an established company that has expanded due to the popularity of many Italian consumers and families, offers 100% green, and is prepared to enter Serie A; on the other hand, a team that is especially focused on sustainability and efforts aimed at enhancing the quality of life of its supporters and maintaining the surrounding area.

Simone Demarchi, CEO of Axpo Italia, commented, “I believe that the stories and the path of Genoa CFC and Axpo Italia, of which Pulsee Luce e Gas is a part, have several similarities. They are built on the ambition of close-knit teams that set themselves challenging and constantly renewing goals. The work done in these first four years by our brand for domestic users is perfectly reflected in what Genoa demonstrated in the last championship, namely knowing how to be a game changer in the Italian football scene.

“We are particularly proud to be able to give our right energy to the Club and to be able to support the President Zangrillo, the CEO Blazquez, the General Manager Ricciardella and all the management, mister Gilardino, his staff, the team and the fans in such a season important event that marks the return to Serie A of a historic team of Italian football”.

Genoa CFC, CEO, Andrés Blàzquez, said, “It is a privilege to activate the sponsorship of Axpo Italia and identify ourselves with the innovative spirit of Pulsee Luce e Gas in the field of energy transformation and production of advanced development models, in compliance with certified and sustainable environmental policies.”

President of Genoa CFC, Alberto Zangrillo, said, “The idea of ​​conveying these issues in our community and within the world of football is a vector for sharing a responsible vision, speeding up the change processes underway, achieving the objectives on which cooperation is based. We are proud to open the doors to an expanding reality such as Pulsee Luce e Gas which brings a ray of novelty and warms up collective sensitivity.”

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